
You might think that writing your notes and other documents in plain text Markdown files would make it impossible to deal with the complex citation systems used in contemporary research. In fact, following a few basic rules for including citations in your Markdown documents will mean that you never again have to worry about citation formats or switching between footnotes and in-text citations.

As you learned in the section on setting up Zettlr, including citations from the shared Zotero reference library is very simple. When you are drafting a note or document and need to include a citation, simply type the @ symbol to invoke a drop-down list of citations in the shared library. Once you’ve found the source you’re looking for, press enter and your citation will be entered automatically in the format:


(Which then gets beautified by Zettlr as you write).

There is no need for you to worry about which citation format (Chicago, MLA, McGill, Bluebook, etc) will appear in the final output of your document. For most purposes, you can simply cite sources as needed directly in your text preceding punctuation, such as:

In law, as in life, food is a measure of both daily routine and of the legitimacy of shared bonds in community [@goodrich1991eating, 250].

Pinpoint citations follow the Zotero citation key after a comma.
